To all the first-time readers, WELCOME! I am so grateful that you are here. Before you dive into this post let me suggest that go back and read To all the repeat readers THANK YOU! Let’s keep the party going.
Behind every great woman, there is a group chat hyping her up and holding her down. Bringing you Gems from the group chat: “Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to live your life, if you give them your power then they have two lives and you have none.”
6. Spend some time perfecting your brows. You have always been able to see the beauty in people even when others couldn’t, just like pictures have always been worth 1000 words. Someday soon some people are going to care more about pictures and videos than the human connection. This will not make sense to you, but you will need to use it to share what you’ve learned and to find new people to learn from. Keep it real there is nothing wrong with looking good, people are going to be carrying around cameras ALL THE TIME and it never hurts to SLAY even when you are photobombing.
Photo Credit @curlygirlcollective
7. Embrace your hair. As a black woman loving yourself can feel like an act of social defiance. The world will flood you with images and perceptions that will cause you to look for representation of beauty that you know for a fact exists. As you embrace your hair and your body you begin to own your power and become more of who you are meant to be.
8. Trust your vibe. When you recognize the vibration of another human who’s as harmonious as yours go with it. It will not make sense to other people, but you will soon learn that the approval of people is often temporary and conditional. The more you want their approval the more you have to give up of your dopeness. When the vibe is all wrong pick up your purse and roll out, explanation optional.
9. When God wakes you up at in the middle of the night, talk to Him but more importantly listen. This spiritual connection will lead you to places that some will tell you that you don’t belong. They are learning through life just like you are. Kindly thank them for their feedback and keep on pushing.
10. You are never done. Keep working at learning, growing, evolving, sharing, connecting, representing, being inspired, acknowledging greatness in others, or making space for voices of people like you to be heard. Every time you have an opportunity to do these things jump with both feet, not knowing exactly where you will land but confident that you are a work of art while still being a work in progress, a mosaic. That you are a masterpiece trying to master peace. And that you will FOREVER be on your unique journey!
Can you relate to the 20-year-old me? What advice do you have for your younger self?
Maybe none of you reading had any of these challenges personally but maybe you know a 20 something who has potential and you want to help them get out of their own way. Share this blog with them and point them in my direction. I can help anyone apply these gems to their unique journey. DM me @_GemsfortheJourney_ on Instagram or Email me at